Thursday, February 8th: Metamorphic Rocks


Sedimentary Rock Review

  • The Formation of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks- (2:53)
    • Clastic rocks form when fragments of rocks (or sediment) are squeezed together. For example, sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.
  • The Formation of Chemical Sedimentary Rocks (2:41)–
    • Some form when minerals dissolved in a solution crystallize. For example, limestone.
    • Some form when mineral deposits left when seas or lakes evaporate. For example, rock salt.
  • Biochemical or Organic Sedimentary Rocks (–
    • Form where the remains of dead plants and animals are deposited in thick layers.
      • Coal forms from the remains of layers and layers of swamp plants buried in water. The weight of the layers squeezes the plants over millions of years to form coal.
      • Limestone forms in the ocean where the calcite shells from corals, clams, and oysters have piled up on the ocean floor. Over millions of years compaction and cementation change this sediment to limestone.


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